World Expo: America vs. France
by Laure Chipman
The attendees will have learned to equate the American sense of life with optimism and achievement, and the French sense of life with pessimism and guilt. (Read more...)
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Like a Lamb to the Slaughter
by Michael Stuart Kelly
Personal memoir of love, betrayal, survival, growth and triumph. (Read more...)
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Getting Past Pan
by Eve V. Stenson
A friend who graduated last May to become a reporter was infinitely relieved when her younger sister asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up. "I was just happy she didn’t think I was already grown up," my friend recounted. For young adults who are missing out on the joys of life in their struggle to remain children, "grown up" is the designation to avoid at all cost. (Read more...)
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Holding Court - June 14, 2005
by Barbara Branden
A Note on Anne Bancroft, Material Cut From Passion, A New Edition of Passion (Read more...)
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"And I Like That Idea Very Much"
by Eve V. Stenson
By the time I was halfway through college, I had concluded that I was a terrible human being, "too selfish and too weak" to change. I had become resigned to a life without friendship, since any genuine trust would inevitably lead to the other person despising me, once they got to know me better. Then a friend recommended Atlas Shrugged. (Read more...)
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A Benevolent Universe: Through the Eyes of a Child
by Jennifer Iannolo
What can be observed through the eyes of a child? A former child-hater revisits the issue. (Read more...)
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by James Kilbourne
What Sabrina is thinking is a source of continual fascination to me. I realize many of you will say, “Get a life!” I assure you, I “have a life.” My answer to you is, “Develop some imagination.” I am always empathetic to animals, but because I love Sabrina, empathy and curiosity become fascination. (Read more...)
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Holding Court - June 6, 2005
by Barbara Branden
Barbara answers your questions. (Read more...)
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OE USA: A New Zealander's Travels in the US (Part I)
by Andrew Bates
SOLOist Andrew Bates is touring the US for three months in a minivan. Read all about it. Well, perhaps not all. (Read more...)
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The Morning of June 4
by Hong Zhang
As I try to write down my experience during the spring and summer of 1989, many details have started to fade, but I still feel deeply the emotions - the exhilarations and the agonies - that I had gone through at that time. May it never be forgotten. (Read more...)
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The French Paradox, American Angst ... and NOSA
by Lindsay Perigo
Could this be the true "French Paradox": that Americans, with a tradition of muscular individualism, disdain for bullshit, and love of life, have become a nation of whining psychobabble-sissies … while the French, steeped in religion, nonsense, self-denial and reality-evasion … have become a nation of life-affirmers?! (Read more...)
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Of Sissies & Stereotypes
by Jason Dixon
What are we doing to the generation that’s coming out now? If they look at the multitude of “types” and decide they must choose one in order to “be gay,” that’s certainly an error of false generalization. But what are the other generations doing to help them avoid that error? (Read more...)
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 The Ayn Rand Centenary: Taking It Personally
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
[Note from Linz: This is the twelfth article on the Rand Centenary that The Free Radical has run this year. It is from the current issue. It is the only such article being made available online at this point. I urge SOLOists who have not already done so to subscribe to the hard-copy version & so help promote this SOLO-affiliated magazine & have it achieve the ascendancy over the competition that it deserves. Subscribe - and spread the word!]
I have spoken of Rand’s cultural impact, political influence, and radical legacy. But it is ultimately a personal liberation that Rand’s philosophy offered me, making all those other liberations of culture and politics possible. (Read more...)
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Revenge Of the Sith: "New Hope" or "No Hope?"
by Joseph C. Maurone
The final chapter in the prequel trilogy offers a sobering parallel to the Objectivist view of life versus death. What will be the Objectivist answer to the false dichotomies in this movie? (Read more...)
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Crappy Buffet
by JJ Tuan
I found out that the company didn't always go to this crappy buffet. Years ago, as the old-timers recount, they used to go to nice restaurants for celebrations. Until one day, one of the guys ordered a 3-lb lobster at a seafood restaurant. Since that time, that crappy buffet became the designated venue for every one of our celebrations.
Why would someone do something so shortsighted and condemn himself along with everyone else to a lifetime of crappy food? (Read more...)
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Liquid Sunshine
by James Kilbourne
Yesterday, Sergio visited me with a young friend who is also participating in his addiction recovery program. We have gotten to know him over the last few months and he has struck a chord in me that I hadn’t yet been able to name. (Read more...)
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Life's Too Short
by Lindsay Perigo
Because of SOLOC 4, SOLO is set to move ahead in leaps and bounds even if just one tenth of the projects that were mooted there proceed. It was, quite simply, historic. Aside from that, it was life-enriching in a way we're all struggling to put into words. None of us will ever forget it. (Read more...)
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Cultural Osmosis
by Kernon Gibes
My sister-in-law was giving an IQ test to my daughter. You know — the usual sort of battery of questions. Nothing unusual or interesting about it, I suppose. She had to explain what various words meant, or repeat back a series of numbers from memory, or detail how two things were similar or dissimilar. Occas... (Read more...)
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Peg of My Heart
by Jennifer Iannolo
When one thinks of the term “Mother,” and all it is supposed to mean, one can see its embodiment in feisty little Peggy Iannolo. At 5’2” and 105 lbs., she is a powerhouse of a woman. (Read more...)
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Organic farmer? Yes. Nature lover? Yes. Environmentalist? Never!!
by Kelly Reynolds
They don’t want to have their own parade; they want to rain on everybody else’s. (Read more...)
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My Father My Self
by John Newnham
My father the tyrant, has become, in his twilight years, my father the child. He has Alzheimer’s disease. It is progressive in its onslaught, and there is no cure. Lanza has been replaced by the steady beat of channels being changed without pause, on the television. Reading is beyond him. His swing is still Sam Sneed sweet, and beautiful enough to make others take pause. (Read more...)
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Machan's Musings - A Vision, Partly Fulfilled
by Tibor R. Machan
I am sure glad I took part in an event that exhibited and illustrated that there really is no inherent basis for a racial divide, none at all, not as people are in their natural, unconstrained ways. (Read more...)
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My Father
by Hong Zhang
I wrote this piece a while back after reading George Cordero's "The Birthday Cake." (Read more...)
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by George W. Cordero
I cannot help but feel that the moment in which paradise and innocence are truly lost, is the first moment of your first "yes" to an unearned guilt or injustice; the moment in which you accept ‘pain’ as a normal state of being. (Read more...)
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The Virtue of Silliness
by katdaddy
Objectivist fairy tales do come true. A love story.
[Look out, Jennifer & Marcus! - Linz.] (Read more...)
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